86th Annual Memorial Service
Presented by
Daughters of Union Veterans
of the Civil War 1861-1865
Lodema Strickland Tent #56


It turn out to be a beautiful day for the Ceremony!
The Participants March in was lead by Patriot Guard Riders,
with road caption Jerry Lamb Leading the group.
Next came our Ontario Post #428 Color Guards.
With Harry Pickard leading the group!
Following was the lovely ladies of the
Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War.

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Opening Prayer was given by, Chaplain Marilyn Dirk.
Speakers were
President...................................... Pauline Novick.
Commander American Legion........Harry Pickard.
Town Supervisor..................................John Smith.
Cemetery Association...................William Shaver.
Civil Air patrol Cadets......Captain Robert Owens.
Patriot Guard Riders....Road Caption, Jerry Lamb.
Ontario Historian................................Liz Albright.
Reading "The Blue and the Grey"
Nancy Karasinski.
Reading the Role of Civil War Soldiers,
Shirley Boris.
Amazing Taps were played by........
Bugler Becky Gutschow..
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Click on any image to see a larger image.
Great day, great time was had by all.
Hope to see you there next year.